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Take Action

You have the power

We are focusing on procedural rules as the first path toward good governance in Pennsylvania. In other states, every bill is guaranteed a hearing in committee, or when a bill passes out of committee, it is guaranteed debate and a vote on the chamber floor.


​As one person, you may feel your influence is limited in the effort to Fix Harrisburg. We know that when you talk to family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues about this dysfunction, our collective awareness keeps our State Representatives and Senators aligned with the will of the people. 

Part of an Organization?

If you lead or are a member of an organization, we welcome more partners to this campaign!

What issues do you care about?

Here are some that get stuck, year after year
  • Broadband Access

  • Childhood Lead Exposure

  • Clean Energy

  • Equitable School Funding

  • Extreme Risk Protection Orders

  • Farmers Protecting Water

  • Gun Show Loophole

  • Health Care Access: Nurse Practitioners

  • Health Safety: Nurse Staffing

  • Legislator Ethics: Gift Bans

  • Minimum Wage Increases

  • Open Primaries

  • Permanent Telehealth Standards

  • Pre-Canvassing: Processing Mail-in Ballots

  • Property Tax Reform

  • Puppy Mills

  • Reducing Size of Legislature

  • Redistricting Reform

  • Surprise Medical Bills

What you can do

When government processes are complex or difficult to navigate, as the PA General Assembly is, residents begin to feel as if we don't have the power to push for changes beyond voting. However, that totally changes when more people understand the governance process, and how easy some aspects are to change.

Share this Website

Tell people about If you’re looking for materials to leave behind, you can find materials at Fair Districts, or purchase materials for your use!


Sign and Share our Petition

Sign and share the #FixHarrisburg petition. Our petition will be presented to legislators prior to the 2023 session to show the broad support for Procedural Rules Reform across the state. Sign, and send to others who would be interested in showing their support. Additionally, you can:


Request a Speaker

Fair Districts PA is able to meet with groups or organizations across the state to share more about how Rules Reform can help to fix the logjam of bipartisan bills that never have the opportunity for a vote. Request a speaker to provide you with more information.



Are you interested in getting involved with Fair Districts PA and our efforts to Fix Harrisburg? Join us in our efforts. We are a volunteer-run organization, and appreciate support across the state. 


Write a Letter to the Editor​

Write a letter to your hometown paper and feel free to add any further detail you think might be of interest locally. Find submission details and advice here. If your letter is published, please post it on your local Fair Districts PA Facebook page and tag the statewide Facebook page.

Know before you vote

Fair Districts PA has asked every candidate for the General Assembly about their views on Redistricting and Changing the rules to be more fair.

Contact Your Legislator & Candidates

Use the Contact Your Legislator Tool from Fair Districts PA, or track and solicit answers from candidates with the Know Before You Vote tool.


Talking Points:

  • Support procedural rules that guarantee bipartisan solutions get a vote. Put PA back on the path to government of, by and for the people.

  • Avoid rules that allow a few partisan gatekeepers (committee chairs and majority leaders) complete say over what bills are given a vote.

  • Legislators from all parts of the state and across the political spectrum should have a meaningful role in deciding what bills are enacted.

  • Bills with strong bipartisan support should be given a vote in committee, and if voted out of committee they deserve a vote on the chamber floor.

  • If bills pass in one chamber with bipartisan support, the other chamber should respect that work with a corresponding vote.



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